Vital Breathwork

Breath is so much more VITAL to our lives than just remaining alive, it also has a huge impact on how we feel, think, enjoy and thrive. Learn Vital Breathwork techniques that can be practiced in nearly any setting throughout your day. Enhance your clarity of intention and bring the energy of Life itself to benefit every circumstance.

We all know that our mental and emotional states affect how we breath and more and more are also becoming aware that how we breath can affect our mental and emotional state as well.

By the practice of breathwork techniques we regain the power to live our lives to our fullest potential for ourselves and others.

Breathwork (or Yogic Pranayama) refers to breathing exercises which have long been shown to increase energy, alignment and overall wellness. Prana is the vital flow of the energies throughout us. By optimizing that vital flow we gain access to fundamental forces that can be directed towards manifesting a better you and a better world.

Breathing is something we do on an ongoing basis and with the demands that our cultural fields place on us for near constant hyper-activity it is understandable that our attention wanders away from this most basic and essential life-giving gift. By practising the intentional focus of our attention on vital breath an extraordinary awareness and energetic wellness can be achieved to enliven and energize every aspect of our lives.

Join us for an energizing and enlightening session and learn how you can bring the ‘VITAL” back into your life’s breath!