Biofield Tuning Sound Healing Sessions

Sound healing with tuning forks (sometimes referred to as sound balancing) is a non-invasive healing method that uses tuning forks in the energetic field of the body (named the “Biofield” under the National Institute of Health). This helps alleviate physical and emotional stress, pain, anxiety, depression, overthinking and lots more. Biofield Tuning techniques reduce and often completely free us of stuck patterns and inherited/conditioned ‘postures’ that we hold unconsciously, yet impact our lives over and over. Biofield Tuning sessions help free you to align with the authentic expression of who you were meant and called to be.

Your Biofield

The Biofield is a toroidal shaped energetic field that extends about six feet around the body and acts like a storage medium that retains energetic impressions of our life experiences. 

Typically, experiences associated with loving, joyful and uplifting emotional energetics fulfill their purpose in the moment and any residual impact on our living experience is generally benign.

Disturbing events can leave more impactful impressions in their wake such as fears, insecurities, traumas, unprocessed emotional residue and unhealthy patterns (often inherited). They lie in wait below the level of our awareness in places that we train ourselves not to look. Yet, these impressions inform our attitudes, actions and postural stances that we adopt in our daily circumstances. Through repetition they have become transparent to us, the unseen ground beneath our feet upon which we base our moment to moment experience of life, our very reality.

Often the residue of extreme events located in an area of the Biofield aligns with ailments manifesting in the corresponding physical locations in the body. These manifestations can present as stress, pain, PTSD, anxiety and a wide variety of physical and emotional ailments.

Keeping Your Biofield Healthy

The tuning forks, which create subtle overtones that resonate into a broad range of electro-magnetic frequencies, can make disturbances in the Biofield apparent to the body which reacts by adjusting to a more coherent energetic signal and lessens, alleviates or even eliminates distressing symptoms.

Much of the research and experiences of sound healers suggest that the coherent vibration of the tuning forks allow the body to first recognize it’s part in actively broadcasting dissonant memory residue into its Biofield, and second release these disturbances and settle into the congruence of a more relaxed “factory setting.” People typically say that they feel much lighter, relaxed and clearer after a Biofield Tuning sound healing session.

Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioners

Contact Us for Your Free Biofield Tuning Discovery Call

What to Expect During Your Biofield Tuning Session

During a Biofield Tuning fork Sound Healing session a fully clothed client can lie on a massage table or sit in a chair. For Distance Sessions the client can position themselves comfortably at home.

The practitioner activates tuning forks to “tune into” the client’s body and Biofield to locate what the body may be ready to address within this particular session. Beginning from the outer edge of the Biofield (approx. 5-6 feet from the body) the practitioner carefully observes and deep-senses into the resonant overtones and vibrational indicators that present within the client’s Biofield. Areas that present resistance, dissonance and turbulence are addressed with a variety of special techniques to help release the stuck residual energetic and move it into its optimized flow in the body’s central energy channel. It is recommended that the client show up for their session adequately hydrated.

Distance Biofield Tuning Sessions and the Power of Intention


It is now widely recognized that energetic sessions conducted remotely, called Distance Sessions, are as effective as in-person sessions. We are all connected in a common energetic plasma field that permeates not only our individual Biofields, it also permeates everything and everyone in the cosmos. And navigating the connection within this shared field is achieved through finely focused intentionality.

We’ve all had those experiences of thinking of a family member, friend or lover and somehow we receive a message from them. We often become aware of how they are feeling or they become aware of us. The hundreds of times this occurs takes away any doubt to this extraordinary connection that we share with others.

The holographic connection that is established by the trained Biofield Tuning Practitioner to the client’s Biofield, as well as engaging powerful intentionality techniques have shown over and over that distance is no obstacle at all to energetic wellness practices. There is a landslide of evidence supporting client’s reactions to the multi-frequency harmonic vibrations and powerfully focused intention of the trained Practitioner. We are all connected.

Contact Us for Your Free Biofield Tuning Discovery Call

Conditions which may be helped by Biofield Tuning Sessions:

  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Digestion problems
  • Panic Attacks
  • Migraines
  • Fear/Phobias
  • Adrenal Burnout/Stress
  • Menstrual issues
  • Addiction
  • PTSD
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines & Headaches
  • Vertigo
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • General “Stuckness” in Life
  • And more…

Please note that Biofield Tuning Fork Sound Therapy is NOT intended for diagnosing, curing, treating, or preventing any medical issues or psychological/emotional disorders. Tuning fork sound therapy is NOT a substitute for professional health care advice and services. It is recommended that the client’s self-care regimen include a variety of wellness modalities to ensure complete and balanced support.

Sound Healing Cautions & Guidance