Transformational Wellness for Empowered Living ™

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Teresa & Glenn James
Energetic Wellness Practitioners

Distributing Sacred Light in Service of Humanity

About Teresa & Glenn James

In Addition to participating in many local and online energetic, wellness and consciousness raising groups, we also offer group and private in-person and distance/remote sessions that our clients report to be profoundly impactful… [Read More]

Biofield Tuning Sound Healing Sessions

Sound healing with tuning forks (sometimes referred to as sound balancing) is a non-invasive healing method that uses tuning forks in the energetic field of the body (named the “Biofield” under the National Institute of Health). This helps alleviate physical and emotional stress, pain, anxiety, depression, over thinking and lots more. Biofield Tuning techniques reduce and often completely free us of… [Read More]

Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing Meditations

Relax into a deep meditative state of consciousness, as you’re guided by sound to embark upon a transcendental journey. Sound healing is an immersive vibrational therapy that has a profound restorative effect on our body, mind and emotional health. Through a variety of musical, vocal and energetic applications, the accumulated stressors and restricting emotional charges release and allow for more freedom, spontaneity and coherent energetic wellness within our self and our reality. [Read More]

Energetic Wellness Mentoring

energetic mentoring

Energetic Wellness Mentoring is about claiming a more coherent alignment with the powerfully creative forces that are within and around us all propelling us into a more fulfilling life. Entraining ourselves with new and impactful techniques transform the patterns that keep us from living our best life. [Read More]

Wellness Meditation

Meditation practice is well known to significantly reduce stress, anxiety, depression and pain. Meditation is also associated with its ability to enhance a sense of peace, self-awareness, mental and emotional clarity and overall…[Read More]

Vital Breathwork

Breath is so much more than vital to our lives than just remaining alive, it also has a huge impact on how we feel, think, enjoy and thrive. Learn Vital Breathwork techniques that can be practiced in nearly any setting throughout your day. Enhance your clarity of intention and bring the energy of Life itself to benefit every circumstance. [Read More]

Client Testimonials

We are over-the-moon grateful for these heartwarming comments by our clients that highlight the impact of our caring approach, therapeutic techniques and transformational results… [Read More]

Sound Healing Cautions & Guidance

Precautions for sound healing therapies that are suspected or are not yet researched include but are not limited to… [Read More]